I’m not always sure…

Like it states in the title “i’m not always sure…” about a lot when it comes to my disabled son Grayson, but i take each day as it comes.

I think I find it the hardest when he is ill. They say that as his parent no one knows him better than you which i think 95% of the time is true.

It is difficult caring for him and with him not being able to tell you in anyway how he is feeling or what he wants other than in the way he has learnt to can be gut wrenching at times.

So when he is ill his disability’s seem so much worse, other than cleaning his nose and dosing him up on everything you can  i just have to sit there and suffer so to speak.

Watching him struggling to breathe and swallow through his mouth because his nose is so blocked, barely eating at the best of times as it is so when ill next to nothing on the food front.

But even after all this suffering he goes through on a fairly regular basis, he still manages to make me smile even when inside his own head he’s probably screaming “daddy help me”

And all I can do is carry on what I am doing I guess.

I love you son xxx


Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday

Silent Sunday

A Sign of Things to Come…I Hope

For some time now I’ve been struggling to come up with some idea’s for blog posts…

Actually let’s start again, not so much as idea’s for posts but relative content. Idea’s is the easy part if you ask me it’s all the finer details which in actual fact is surprising as I’m full of useless information and like the wife says i do like to waffle!

So why am I struggling so much and then this morning it hit me. Why not just start off small and write about my day-to-day life in general a bit like a diary I suppose.

It may not be of much interest to anyone but it’s a way for me to get into the rhythm of writing better so without further a do here go’s.

First thing this morning I’m woken with a startle i can hear Kara screaming my name (and not in the way i would like if you get my drift ;)) as she was up with our baby daughter Addison who is ill at the moment (bless her)

and had been sick all over the pair of them to the point neither could move so that was me up @6.30 baring in mind i hadn’t gone to sleep till 1am due to watching The Departed on Film4+1 so quite knackered.(my own doing I know)

So now time to come to, a cup of tea, toast and the news to start followed by our son Grayson waking about 7.30 nappy changes all round then milk and medicine administered to both.

8am is breakfast time, cereal for Addison & Milky bar yoghurt for Grayson (it’s all he eats for breakfast) then Kara is off to work in the quiet of the bedroom as she works from home on Thursdays.

So now it’s just Grayson, Addison and me. 8.30 news watched and now for toys and kids TV whatever isn’t screamed at by Grayson goes on, Addison is easy-going she’ll watch anything.

9.55 and Addison has passed out on the front room floor of to bed she go’s for a few hours we hope it’ll do her good. 10am time for Grayson’s first meal of the day and today we have chicken and parsnip bake, it stinks to high heaven I can’t believe he enjoys this but each to their own as the saying go’s!

Grayson finished back to his toys and TV please remember he is disabled and all he enjoys is TV,toys & chocolate in case you think I’m a bad/lazy parent for letting him watch so much.

And now to this blog post which has taken some time but what’s the rush and bear in mind running around keeping an eye on him and seeing to other stuff in the flat time flies by and on that note I can smell a nappy that needs changing!

Whats on your Mp3 player? – Meme

I was tagged by Kara of innocentcharmschats to give this a go so I thought I better oblige.

How does it work I hear you say..well your in luck I’m going to tell you so everyone can give it a go.

Firstly take your Mp3 player or phone whatever you use to listen to your collections, select shuffle and then list the first five tracks that play and no skipping is allowed be honest.

This is going to be very amusing for some…so lets begin.

  1. Katy B – Katy on a Mission I love this track it has an incredible bass-line which I really enjoy and it makes the hair on my arms stand up!
  2. Craig David (Featuring Sting) Rise & Fall This one is awesome, it makes the wife and me sing out loud and it always gets turned up!
  3. Curtis Mayfield –  Superfly I’ve only been into this artist for about six months but nearly everything this man produced is so easy to listen to and he covers some of the genre’s I’m into.
  4. Linkin Park – What I’ve Done Great song from an awesome film too!
  5. Bruno Mars – Marry You Cheesy but a good tune, I sing it to the wife whenever it comes on.

So there you go my shuffled five tracks. So now to tag someone else…And our survey says @bublet2011 enjoy!

Silent Sunday

New Year, Fresh Start!

Hi all,

I know it’s been a long time since i last posted and to be honest all I was posting regularly were picture’s…

I unfortunately lost my blog mojo but as with most I have resolutions for the new year one of them being to post more even if it’s only once a week and completely random.

Here are a few of my resolutions;

  1. Stop smoking fully(part-time smoker)
  2. Loss weight & exercise more
  3. Blog more
  4. Watch all still wrapped DVDs in my collection…

So I hope to keep up blogging, let me know some of your resolutions.

Silent Sunday

Wordless Wednesday